Saturday, February 4, 2012

14 months!!!

Well, one of my New Year's resolutions was to write on my blog three times a week....

Well, er, then we all got sick. Repeatedly.

I feel so sorry for the twins. One will get sick, have it a few days, and then the next one will get sick and have it for a while. I don't think they have went more than three weeks since November without getting sick....bless them. But mommy and daddy are taking extra good care of them and giving them lots of love and attention. :)

These days, it seems like the twins are growing SO fast. It used to be that I would seem to see changes week to week, and now it as though I am seeing them minute to minute.

Brooklyn is a WALKER now. Ah yes, at 14 months. :) She has reached the point where she prefers walking over crawling and stands up like it is nothing. I can tell she thinks she is big to do, and she IS. Brooklyn looks eerily like me in my baby pictures, and I can't describe how good it makes me feel to see brown-eyed Brooklyn toddling around in her princess pj's with a doll in hand. There is something so special about that...sometimes I feel like I am watching myself from 25 years ago. Minus the "diva" aspect. Yes indeed. This is Brooklyn's world and we are living in it. ;) haha I am super laid-back about things, so most the time it just makes me giggle more than anything. But I can tell we are going to have to work with her a tad in the good ole discipline department. Patience grasshopper as Billy III would say! :) But she is just as loving too. She gives more hugs and kisses than any other toddler I have ever seen. And it is so precious to see her rock her babies and give them sugars. She is also developing into a "mama" for Billy IV, which I knew would happen eventually. She will bring him his pacifier if she sees it laying around and will put it in his mouth for him (He always smiles really big). Or during bathtime, if she sees that he is fussing (he suddenly isn't a fan of baths) she will pick up a water toy and hand it to him. But along with being a "mama" to him in that way, she is also attempting to be a mama in other ways too, lol. For instance, the other day Billy was standing up by the couch watching Bubble Guppies from the laptop and she decided it was best that he not be touching the couch, so she carefully (and softly) removed his hands from it. Um, no ma'am. :) haha I have an older sister, so just as much as I adore Brooklyn, I adore Billy just the same and am serious about making sure Billy doesn't experience the younger-child syndrome (yes, one minute makes a difference- I'm telling you). So it is a sweet dynamic. :) But they are both so precious and I can tell they genuinely love and appreciate each other.

Billy still prefers to speed crawl over walking. He sees Brooklyn walking around, and quickly speeds by on all fours. :) Oh, he says, whats the big deal? He will walk when he gets ready! He is so good with his vocabulary right now. I have come to believe he can repeat any word that he feels like repeating. The other day, Billy III asked him if he would like Lucky Charms cereal, and he said "Lucky Charms" like he had said it a million times before. He is also good at repeating animal sounds. He can say woof woof, moo moo, growl like a lion, etc. Right now his main words are Boo (our dog), bite bite (for more food), daddy (naturally-he is a daddy's boy), horse, kitty, and there are a slew of other words. He says them with such ease. He is such a sweetheart. He has a laid back demeanor and typically just goes with the flow these days. He rarely fusses and just plays and plays. I am so proud of him. He recently got some new toddler clothes (along with sis), and he looks so handsome in them! His hair still has a reddish tint, and I am SO hopeful that it will stay around. Please please please! :)

The twins typically play really well together (I would say around 85% of the time we are good to go) but we have just entered a "non-sharing" phase, or possessive stage, whatever you want to call it. I read through some of my books and it said the typically child doesn't genuinely understand what sharing means until around the age of 2.5-3. Okay, so we are roughly 1 year away. :) haha They do understand no-no though and that it is not appropriate to take things from one another. That is the interesting thing with two, we are going to experience phases much sooner than other singletons. And I completely understand. I wasn't a fan of sharing my toys all the time either. haha

I am so proud of my two little ones. They are growing, learning, and developing so quickly. I am soaking these moments in!!!

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