Billy as a toddler! How adorable!!!
I will never forget the moment I first realized we were pregnant with our first child! It was April 17th, 2010! I remember feeling a little hot that day, as though I was having mini hot flashes and I thought, hmm, I wonder if maybe I am coming down with something...I checked my temperature and it said "99.7". I had an extra pregnancy test so I thought, hey, why not check it out?! :) Those were probably the longest two minutes of my life! I said a little prayer and did my business and then waited for the results to show. I would like to recommend using electronic pregnancy tests if you are trying to conceive. It's worth the few extra dollars. I'm not a fan of having to decipher the lines and sometimes they are not completely accurate. Why not just go for a clear phrase? :)
It's hard to express the feeling that overcomes you when you read the results "pregnant" for the first time. It is like excitement, happiness, joy, anxiousness, and surprise all at the same time! Most of us all plan on having kids one day, and it has been on my mind for the last year and half (we decided to wait for awhile while we saved up some money)....but it's still kind of hard to grasp when you first find out. I guess the best way to describe it is to say it's surreal. To think there was a little bean inside of me, totally connected to me and depending on me for his/her needs!!!
I was immediately overwhelmed with how much I love our Lord and how thankful I am that he has blessed us with a child. That song "Count Your Many blessings" comes to my mind. Sometimes I think people take for granted all the wonderful blessings we are given in this life. Well, I guess we all do from time to time. This is definitely not something this gal is going to take for granted!
I jumped in my car and drove to Walmart in order to get a few more tests. I wanted to make sure before I told Billy! While I was driving I was overjoyed and teary-eyed. I couldn't believe it! Thank goodness Walmart is only like 3 miles from our house! When I got back home I laid out all the tests and squeezed out what I had left (haha) and used them one by one...all said "Pregnant" in bold black writing!
I had gotten a litte Tennessee jumper a few weeks earlier to give to Billy as a gift when I found out we were expecting, so I fixed it up in a bright orange bag and waited for him to arrive home. He was at Home Depot at the time picking out flowers for our landscape. I called him at the time and tried to act all normal and like nothing was going on...thank goodness he couldn't see my facial expressions at the time. Ha
When he arrived home I told him I was giving him an anniversary present a little early this year. Our two year anniversary is May 24th and he was having a golf seminar that week (lucky banker) so he assumed I was giving him golf attire at the time. He was acting very animated at the time and pulling the tissue paper out and tossing it in the air. I was thinking, haha, he has no idea what he is about to learn. When he finally pulled it out and unwrapped the jumper, he looked up at me and I asked him if he "knew of anyone that might want to wear that." He teared up and said "Are you serious?!" Then he gave me a big hug and a kiss and we held each other for a few minutes. I also showed him all three pregnancy tests I had taken. Lol
There are moments in life that we classify as "big moments" or "life changers." For me it's getting your first car, becoming an aunt, speaking at high school graduation, attending a Christian college, finding the love of my life, getting married to my best friend...and now finding out that I am becoming a mommy! WOW! Life is good and I must say that I am truly blessed.