Sunday, July 3, 2011

The months are speeding by...

On the 18th of this month, our two "babies" will be 8 months old...8 months old seems so much older to me than all the other "monthly" birthdays for some reason. :) Everyone has told me the time would fly by, and it truly has. I can honestly say though that I have enjoyed every single moment of it. I don't take being able to stay at home with Billy and Brooklyn one bit for granted. That doesn't mean there aren't days when I am especially tired, or a bit stressed when they are both ready for naps at the same time, but that just makes me human. And a mother of twins. :)

During my days, weeks, and months with the twins thus far, I have taken special care to remember to do certain things each day.

For one, after I rock them to sleep (yes, we are still rocking them-that's mommy's call ;)), I always make sure I spend several extra minutes holding them. As simple as that seems, it is one of the most sentimental moments of my day. As they are in my arms and I am studying their features, I typically drift into thought- thoughts of what we will talk about when they are toddlers, of what sports they may or may not play, and also into much deeper thoughts, like what kind of friends they will have in school, what kind of spouse they may marry, and most importantly, what I can do as their mother to ensure they are strong Christians. My faith has been strengthened that much more through the blessing of Billy and Brooklyn. I see God's love in their sweet smiles and precious laughs. I see God's grace in the fact that they are both healthy. I could go on and on. Each and every day, I see aspects in our twins that make me realize and appreciate God's love for us and the gift of his Son that much more. I pray that I continue to see my blessings this clearly.

I also take time each day to sing and talk to Billy and Brooklyn about God. It's never to early to started teaching your children about God. Especially in the world we live in today.

In addition, numerous times during the day, I tell Billy and Brooklyn I love them. They may not know exactly what that means just yet, but I can tell that they already know what love is through their expressions, and that means the world to me. May we always remember to do the simple things and to give our children the focus, love, and attention they deserve.

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